The 14th Annual Conference of Chinese Dermatologists and National Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology

2023-02-22 15:59

On November 8-11, 2018, the 14th Annual Conference of Chinese Dermatologists and the National Cosmetic Dermatology Conference were held in Guangzhou. This conference is hosted by the Chinese Medical Association and the Dermatologists Branch of the Chinese Medical Association. As a brand management company of effective skin care products, our leaders participated in this annual event.

 The 14th Annual Conference of Chinese Dermatologists and National Congress of Cosmetic Dermatology

The conference was of a large scale. During the conference, a number of dermatologists at home and abroad shared academic exchange reports on the "precise treatment" of skin problems, guided by clinical practical problems and improved by solving patients' skin problems, and constantly innovated and improved in the process of inheritance.


Gaojie also grasps the latest diagnosis and treatment technology information, enriches the knowledge and experience reserve, and makes more sufficient preparation for empowering the brand and brand promotion.

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